Wednesday, December 30, 2009
USPTO and Government Business
Once I summoned the courage to open it, it turns out it was an official notice from the United States Patent and Trademark Office that our trademark application HAS BEEN APPROVED!!!
How's that for a surprise?!? Happy New Year to me!
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Another Etsy Treasury!
Thanks to Meg from ME2Designs for including me in her picks.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Happy New Year!

The Christmas was so much fun for the kids. They, of course, are too young to know what happened, except that they could eat all the cookies that they could stomach and they got so many new toys, they are not sure what to do with them.
Nothing new on the Woolly Boo front, though. Very happy even our customers took a little break from shopping. But, don't stay away for too long - the really cold days are coming.
Also, stand by for a special announcement - we are taking part in a very cool charitable event in NYC, courtesy of Martha Stewart. And, yes, I will keep you guessing until the New Year!
Have a happy one!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Merry Christmas to all!
Saturday, December 19, 2009
The Flickr link is not working for some reason
In the mean time, I spent the day downloading, uploading, and backing up thousands of photos. That's how I noticed the glitch in Flickr app for Blogger, in the first place. In the mean time, here is the direct link for the photos from the Handmade in New York craft fair we took part in last Saturday. Enjoy!
Friday, December 18, 2009
When it rains...
Truly an honor. Thanks guys.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
We made it...
The Try Handmade blog is juried, so this makes it an even bigger honor.
Click here to see our listing and other amazing artists.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Monday, December 14, 2009
Handmade in New York!
Thanks everyone who came by to say hello. We appreciate the support.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Getting ready for NYC, baby!
Wish me luck!
P.S. I have actually remembered to pack batteries this time, so you might actually see some images from this show. If I remember to take them.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Happy Hanukkah!
Sunday, December 6, 2009
It has to be said, the venue was beautiful. The church was old, and Nordic-inspired. The space, and my booth in particular, were in the great spot. Organizers decorated the room nicely, other vendors were so talented, friendly and inspiring... All in all, very happy. And the Woolly Boo logo caused so much stir, that one of the teenage bands that performed wanted to buy my banner. I haven't laughed so hard in a long time. Well, not that long. Maybe a week.
Thanks for everyone who stopped by. It was great seeing you.
And, yeah, happy first snow of the season.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Wordless Wednesday!
FREE Shop-at-Home Service!
With the new office/showroom finished (finally), I have a place to host all those that maybe feel uncomfortable inviting a stranger to their home. Photos will come shortly. I just need to assemble all the IKEA furniture :) I know, we're talking January now, right?
In any event, the Shop-at-Home service will give you an opportunity to see the Woolly Boo products without leaving the comfort of your home. If the kids are napping, I will be extra quiet - I understand. I will come to your house with all the samples and all the fabric swatches, so you get to touch and feel everything before you commit to purchasing.
No purchase necessary.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Now through December 26, 2009, with ANY purchase from our shop, Woolly Boo™ is offering:
•FREE shipping in the continental US
•FREE home delivery in New York City (and parts of Tri-State Area)*
•FREE gift wrap
•FREE paper card
*Please contact us for details of this offer.
•Naturally anti-bacterial
•Temperature regulating and insulating (the continual circulation of air keeps child’s temperature appropriate for the environment)
•Wicks away moisture from the skin (the wool fibers absorb up to 40% of their dry weight in moisture, resulting in reduction of dampness, pressure and friction against your child’s skin)
•Naturally fire-retardant (wool that hasn’t been chemically processed does not burn)
•Naturally dust mite repellent, so it reduces allergies
•Does not give off an electrical charge unlike synthetic fibers
•CPSIA compliant (wool that hasn't been chemically processed is always lead-free and phthalate-free)
Still not sure? Make use of our FREE Shop-at-Home Service. We come to you with all the samples and fabric choices. Very convenient for busy moms and dads.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Is it me, or...
Just did some of the prep for tomorrow - made the brine for turkey and am now waiting for it to cool. The turkey is 15 pounds. Let's see how it comes out. Also made one of the deserts and one side. Not bad. Maybe, just maybe, I don't get a panic attack around noon tomorrow :)
As far as Woolly Boo is concerned, not much happening. Preparing for the two shows in December, one on the 5th in Glen Ridge, next door, and one on the 12th in NYC. Looking forward to getting out of the house and away from the computer, and doing this, I have to say.
Have a happy Thanksgiving everyone. Will post photos tomorrow with the spread.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Pillows - The Luxury Woolly Boo Way
Wrapped in lush cotton damask, these pillows are just amazing - you will simply want to wrap yourself in them. That's at least what my kids were doing, until they figured out the pillows are just too small for covers. So, they changed their tactic, piled them in the center of the room, and rolled in them until they were exhausted... It was a fun afternoon.
At 18"x18", the pillows are very versatile. You can use them as decor in any number of rooms in your house, seat cushions, pet pillows, or even pet beds for cats and smaller breed dogs.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Gift Certificates are HERE!
Friday, November 6, 2009
Unfortunately, I was too late to apply for the fair that is happening in town this weekend, so I'll just be an observer. However, I have 2 great shows lined up for December:
Saturday, December 5, Glen Ridge, NJ
Saturday, December 12, Handmade in New York
See you there!
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Blogging and WB took a back seat this week...
Monday, October 19, 2009
And, so it went...
It was a great show. I forget how much foot traffic is there in New York, because I mostly drive these days. As with everything else in New York, there were so many different personalities, I am not sure where to begin. There were people with kids, couples without kids, gay couples, lots of young students dressed like Kajgoogoo or A-ha band members... For those of us that lived through the 1980's, it was so much fun to watch. There were a lot of people who asked if my sleep sacks are maybe vests. Probably because it was cold. There was a man in a wheelchair who asked about purchasing a comforter to cover his legs. And there was a woman with an infant who yelled at me because the sleep sack was overpriced in her opinion. As I said, all kinds. Luckily, almost everyone who passed by my tent said the products are beautiful and the logo is cute. And that made me feel great.
My tent threatened to fly away twice, but I did a good job anchoring it with water bottles. After the show, I put the bottles back in the car, because I was too lazy to dump the water - and one of them spilled all over the floor on the drive home. I mean, really. Also, the curtains were too long. I'll shorten them after the construction on the new office/studio is done. Oh yes, we have a new office/studio. I should be finished painting it tomorrow or Wednesday, and I'll post photos.
And, yeah, I forgot to take the camera, so no photos. Sorry folks.
One of the customers suggested another NY show for me. I just sent in my application, and I'll keep you posted. Thankfully, this one is indoors.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Show must go on!
Yes, there will be rain. Yes, it might be a tad cold. But, the show is still happening, and Woolly Boo will be there.
All the kids activities will be indoor, so they will certainly have a great time.
So, come on over!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Monday, October 12, 2009
Facebook Success!
I finally did it. So, to the world out there, you can find us on Facebook at:
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Checklist for Saturday
- Tent curtains are in. I also managed to get some other materials for dirt cheap. LOVE RoseBrand.
- Credit card machine will be here on Tuesday.
- Banners will be here by Wednesday. Thanks Wilson Graphics.
- Still waiting for stickers...
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Woolly Boo made it to the first Etsy Treasury!
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those little people that made this moment possible [laugh]... just kidding.
Thanks muppetloon for listing us. Also, big thanks to the {NewNew} Etsy team and looking forward to joining your ranks.
See you all next Saturday in New York, baby!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Remembered what I was missing!
Oh, the thing I forgot - credit cards. I have to be able to accept credit cards at the shows. It looks like somebody really likes me up there. Just as I was thinking about it yesterday, an email popped up from my bank offering free credit card machine. Maybe this whole Woolly Boo thing is going somewhere after all.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
The stamps are here. Yeah!
Rundown for the New York show: table-check, tent-check, rain cloth-check, products-check, price tags-check, bags-check, tissue paper-check, postcards-check, business cars-check, dear customer letters-check...
To do: pick up curtains (yes, they are still at the manufacturer's place, long story), banners-hopefully to be delivered at the beginning of next week, stickers are ordered-waiting for delivery... Is that it? Am I missing something?
Monday, October 5, 2009
Just finished our first show/fundraiser...
Check out the photos of the event on Flickr. Or click on the photostream on the right of this post. My thanks to Jeanette from Aunt Jean's Toys and Treats. I really hope the event was a success for them.
Now I have to go and order some more stickers, as they were the hot item of the party and all the kids wanted one.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Little Lamb
A short aside: I've ordered some panels/curtains made for my show tent. And if you are asking why I haven't done this myself, it is quite simple: all these shows have flame-retardation requirement when it comes to the display that includes panels/curtains. Now, these fabrics can only be purchased in bulk. I am talking at least 100 yards. So, the best and the cheapest way is to have one of the supply companies actually make these for you, which is what I did. I used Rosebrand. They came highly recommended and I have to say, they were very nice and helpful. And very fast, to boot. The amazing thing is that they can make you practically anything you can imagine, and your own imagination is the only limit. I though they would laugh me out of the room because of the simplicity of my order, and, well, considering how small it was. Nothing like that. Thanks Rosebrand.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Rained out!
Anyway, hope the weather cooperates next week. I really like being outdoors in the Fall and seeing all the neighbors.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Trademarks and such
Well, today I received an email from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office asking for more information and additional photos. This, I believe, is a great sign that they are actually considering my application, since they haven't flat out rejected it. Hurray!
I know, I know, those that want to rip off the designs will do so anyway. My theory on that is that there will be those that are deterred by the TM, those that think twice about it (and hopefully decide not to do it), and those that don't care. I pray that the third category is very, very small, tiny in fact, or even better, nonexistent. Keep your fingers crossed.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Now, go and buy my stuff. That would be the BESTEST birthday present EVER!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
OMG! Is it Wednesday again?

So, I've decided that this and every other Halloween, until they are old enough to protest and actually get away with it, my two chipmunks are going to go as [insert drum roll]: LAMBS :)
I've had a fellow Etsy artist make these costumes for them. Neat, right?
Monday, September 21, 2009
More chances to see our products! See you in Montclair, NJ
If you decide you would like to buy something, 10% of your purchase will go to the Montclair Community Pre-K Scholarship Fund. Shop away!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Almost time for another Wordless Wednesday!
I just hope people like us... Don't want to be one of those tents that everybody walks by...
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
So, how is Woolly Boo returning us to tradition, part trois
1. The wool is cut into the appropriate size. For example, our mattress pad is the size of the standard U.S. crib, 53" x 31", and laid out on the working table.
2. The inlet material is sewn and the wool is inserted inside.
3. The wool is arranged so there are no lumps and no bunching. After that has been done, the wool with the inlet is inserted into the cover material, Sunshine Yellow Damask in this case.
4. After the cover is sewn, the entire process is moved to a different, specialized comforter sewing machine. The Mattress Pad is sewn through to ensure there is no fiber migration.
5. The carry bag is finished and the Mattress Pad is folded, inserted and stored.
In case you were wondering, those are Grandma's and Grandpa's hands making the Mattress Pad.
At this time, I would like to thank the good folks at Udruga Ruta Cres or Ruta Association from the Croatian island of Cres for the great photos of hand wool processing. Their photos are much better than what I came up with.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
So, how is Woolly Boo returning us to tradition, part deux

After the sorting, the wool is combed. This is done so that the short and second cuts of the fleece are removed, leaving us with aligned "sheets" of long fibers. The combing also removes the pieces of grass and other vegetation, as well as any foreign matter, that wasn't shed during the washing. A long time ago, this process used to be done by hand, using these tools:

It was a long process that is still used today for the production of small, handmade batches of yarn. Because we at Woolly Boo are using much larger quantities of wool, we do our combing mechanically, like so:

Once combed, the wool is then stored in rolls in large canvas bags in the attic of Grandma's house.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Woolly Boo™ Back to Pre-School SALE
ANNOUNCING Woolly Boo™ Back to Pre-School SALE
The new school year is around the corner. Treat your little one to a new mattress pad, pillow or a comforter - perfect sleep and play companions for home, daycare, preschool. Also check out our amazing infant sleeping bags.
*FREE Sleeping Bag with a purchase of Sleeping Set
*FREE shipping in continental U.S.
*No Sales Tax
*Friday, August 28 – Monday, August 31
Woolly Boo™ - For Your Child's Healthy and Peaceful Sleep!
Seriously, have you ever seen the cots kids sleep on in daycare and preschool? Well, here is a photo of one.

Do you really want your child to sleep on this? This cot is made of Sof-Tex® fabric, whatever that is. See how close to the ground it is? This means that your child is breathing in all the dirt from the floor they just spent hours playing on wearing shoes. Yuk.
Anyway, give it a whirl in your head, let me know :)
Monday, August 24, 2009
Tell Me What You Think, Please!
So, tell me what do you think... You can comment or send me an email.
I would really appreciate it. Thanks.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
I am really excited about this line, since the fabrics are much more modern. A lot of comments I received about the Sleeping Bags were that maybe I need to offer other fabric choices, something a little less old-fashioned and not so... well... European.
So, here they are. Shop away!
Martha Stewart's Dreamers
But, what struck me was the importance of logo design - if the avatar wasn't appealing, I simply wouldn't bother. Which makes me feel really lucky for having the logo I do :)
Thanks Alex!
Friday, August 14, 2009
Check out my NEW photos!
P.S. Click on the Flickr Photostream link on the right to view the photos.
So, how is Woolly Boo returning us to tradition?
The sheep is sheared, like so:

The wool is gathered and washed with cold water and white distilled vinegar. Check out this page for more info about cleaning with vinegar and its benefits:
Wool is then air dried in a shade, like so:

To be continued tomorrow...
Thursday, August 13, 2009
I Have New Photos
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Return To Tradition
Back in a day, women used to bring dowry with them into marriage. The idea was that a single man cannot be expected to have these things available, so the new wife would bring things they need for the household: pots, pans, dishes, utensils, bedding, mattresses, pillows, rugs, curtains, shams, tablecloths, etc. She would start making and decorating these items when she was really young, as early as 8-years-old. Dowry was a way to show how well to do was the girl's family, and also to show off her household skills, a very important "selling" point.
The mattresses were the last ones to make. The wool would be collected, washed and stored for years. The reason for this was following: for a 5 inch twin size mattress you would need about 40-50 pounds of wool. Oh, yeah, these things were heavy. 50 pounds of cleaned wool takes up almost 100 cubic feet - no kidding. This wool was stuffed into the damask covers. The reason damask was used was simple: it has a very sturdy, tight weave, so the wool would not escape and shed. Over the course of time, and due to use, the wool would obviously lose some of its volume, but it was enough for it to be aired for a day or so, and it would spring back up.
Maintenance: Every 25 years or so, the wool would be taken out of the cover and washed again.
How do I know this? I used to sleep on one of those things. Yes, my Mom brought some with her when she got married. And she made them from her Mother's, my Grandmother's, mattresses. Of course, in the 1970's they really didn't need to hand-make wool mattresses, but my Grandmother is Albanian, and very much stickler for a tradition.
It also appears that this dowry tradition was lost in America, several generations ago, or it has simply transferred into exchange of money, since with money, you could simply buy or have made all these things. With the invention and cheapness of springs and plastic, the wool was forgotten.
Monday, August 10, 2009
So, they are done. I just need to download them from the camera, watermark them for protection, and post on the website, Etsy, Flickr, Facebook, MySpace, and gazillion other places I have an account with in my attempt to "spread the word". "Spreading the word" is spreading me real thin...
Where does one start?
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Random Splashes of Thought: A "Onesie" by any other name....
Here is the article I wrote about business aspect of owning a small business. I'll re-run it again in it's full length on this blog, but I wanted to share it with you together with the "Gerber" "Onesie' controversy. Your comments are welcome.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
And then it hit me - Woolly Boo products are soooooo great, I'll just write about them ALL THE TIME. Kind of like free ad pages.
So, blog world, here I come :)