Woolly Boo® to be featured in the SustainAbility: Design for a Better World®

New York, NY – June 14, 2010 – In its inaugural year at the New York International Gift Fair®, Woolly Boo® products have been chosen to be featured in the SustainAbility: Design for a Better World® project.
The SustainAbility: Design for a Better World® project is a curated exhibit showcasing home and lifestyle products that are environmentally-conscious and socially-responsible. Companies from 39 countries and five continents will participate at this year’s event held in New York City, August 14 through 20 at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center, in conjunction with the New York International Gift Fair®.
The exhibit spotlights producers whose products or production processes are eco-friendly, as well as companies whose business practices are socially responsible or fair-trade oriented. These are, in fact, Woolly Boo® core values.
“Green” Products:
• products that are manufactured or constructed with only recycled, recyclable and/or sustainable materials.
Environmentally-Friendly Production Processes:
• manufacturers using alternative sources of energy in production, including wind, sun, and alternative fuels.
Socially-Responsible Business Practices:
• products produced by indigenous peoples, creating viable, sustainable trades and markets in poverty-stricken and needy communities worldwide
• manufacturers who donate percentages of their sales to not-for-profit organizations.
Beginning in 2010, NYIGF introduced a “Zero Tolerance” for products with: VOC; Lead (for baby, children and food-related products); PVC, without recommendation for use and disposal, and unless repurposed; and Aniline dyes, formaldehyde, chlorine (for textiles).
This year, in its inaugural year at the NYIGF, Woolly Boo® will be showcasing their line of children’s sleep products: crib sets, sleep sacks or wearable blankets, pillows, and comforters.
These wonderful organic wool products are pure, safe, durable, and comfortable. They are truly unique, and are currently not available from any other manufacturer in the market.
If you are interested in learning more about Woolly Boo® products, please contact us at or visit